понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

float pool swimming toy

-Candice, Jillian and Katie Lea come to the ring as well. Jillian "sings."

Kelly Kelly and Candice Michelle vs. Jillian Hall and Katie Lea

Kelly attacks her and stops the "singing." Kelly and Hall to begin, sloppy back flip spot and a clothesline by Kelly gets a cover for 2. Snap mare, tag and a double elbow to Hall. A whip to the corner, Candice sidesteps and stun guns Hall off of the top rope. She does her wacky submission in the ropes, and Lea kicks her to the floor. Lea tags in and tosses Candice back in, cover for 2. Seated abdominal stretch by Lea, Candice to her feet and elbows out. Lea then gets a Urinage into the back breaker, and covers for 2. Tag back to Hall, to the corner and the handspring elbow by Hall gets 2. To the corner, Candice elbows Lea, head scissors (sort of) to Hall and tags in Kelly. She runs wild with clotheslines, head scissors follow and then to the corner. A boot by Kelly, 2nd rope cross body and a cover for 2 as Lea breaks that up. Candice in, dumps Lea and then breaks up a pin try by Hall. Fameasser by Kelly gets the win.

Winners: Kelly Kelly and Candice Michelle @ 4:00 via pin

For the Cyber Sunday Divas Halloween Contest Kelly is going to be a Sailor.
float pool swimming toy, float pool toddler, float pool toy, float pool unsinkable, float pool valve.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

c training

So far this weekend has been weird. We had a volleyball tourny and didnt play well at all. I had spurts of being good and times where i was flipping retarded. But i thought i did better than� had the past couple games so maybe hopefully finally ill go back to playing well. Theres some drama still on the team and people get attitudes, which irks my brain. I like turning to volleyball to help alleviate the stress in my life, so it gets frustrating when going and playing volleyball adds stress.

this upcoming wk is gonna be hell, but i deserve it. I havent started reading the 200 pages for history and have a test in a wk over it. Then on monday i also have a psych test, but im not too worried about that one as long as i read over my notes and such. But history is gonna suck balls.

also i really have been struggling trying to decide on a major, so i need to really start taking making that decision seriously because i have to register for classes soon. So i need to get my motivation back like ive been saying for a while now. But i feel a little better becuase i cleaned my room when i got back today and have everything organized again so its not all a mess and i just need to sit down and do work son. But for now im gonna finish watching the rays game then put on the flyers and pray to God that everything works out.
c training, c tracks, c tracker pakistan, c tracker, c trackbar control.

bargaining for advantage

Everyone has things they blog about.
Everyone has things they donapos;t blog about.
Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I donapos;t blog about, but youapos;d like to hear about, and Iapos;ll write a post about it.
Ask for anything: life experiences, latest movie watched, last book read, political leanings, thoughts on yaoi, favorite type of underwear etc.

(Repost in your own journal so that we can all learn more about each other.)

bargaining for advantage, bargaining falls idaho, bargaining faith good, bargaining etowah, bargaining establishing unit.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

don t play that song

So my online dating continues, I still havenapos;t had much success since my last and first date, but Iapos;m still getting about 5 matches a day. I noticed Iapos;m trying very hard to get the dates, often denying who I really am. I tend to put down the answers that I think a woman would want to hear, rather then the truth. The whole process has had a slight impact on my self esteem. I donapos;t think Iapos;m a great catch. On the other hand, I know that there are woman out there that are more similar to me that would be very accepting of my flaws. I just have to find them. Iapos;ve tried not to reject too quickly, rather to let the woman decide sheapos;s not interested instead of thinking I wonapos;t be what she wants.
Meanwhile, 80 percent of my life is still dedicated to work. This project that I started 6 months ago just wonapos;t end. Everythnig is taking longer then it should, and despite 10-16 hour days and working on both days of the weekend, there is still some work to do. Luckily I think I am morefrustrated about it out of everyone, and Iapos;m not getting too much presure to just finish. I think everyone understands the effort Iapos;m putting in and couldnapos;t expect any more.
On the upside, I have finally gotten some rewards for all my work. We got bonuses and I now understand why people scoffed at the $50 gift certificates I used to get at the end of the year. Financially things have been going so well Iapos;m ashamed to tell my closest friends. So many people around me are struggling right now, including my parents, that Iapos;m embarrassed to be doing well. If anyone wants to come visit me in Jersey, dinnerapos;s on me.

Right now Iapos;ve got to go to the office. Happy Saturday everyone

bank montana robbery, don t play that song, don t play around, don t pity me, don t pile by pat dorff, don t pick your nose.

doug connors

I�really should be less lazy. Like...I have lots of stuff I should do, but all I want to do is sleep. And I canapos;t even do that until later, after I talk to Ian. And then I will have a normal, less-than-satisfactory sleep because I�have the PSAT tomorrow. Damn that test. I�mean, it starts at 8 AM and goes on for I donapos;t know how long, but like forever.
And now that VSF is back up and Iapos;m kinda...important, I guess, I�feel like I should do stuff on it. Namely, finally write Jem a bio. >.>; And then, later, Shadowed and Indigo.
Also, the rares thread Iapos;m working on with Sporky on Varus needs some love. Iapos;ve only gone through two events so far, and there are so many more to do. I�really am slacking on that. >.>;
And Cel. I�feel weird, because I�donapos;t have a job, but as soon as we finalize Halloween plans, Iapos;m going to have to help Faye write things for it. (Assuming she doesnapos;t decide to take over everything herself, which she shouldnapos;t, because sheapos;s sick and very much overworked at school.
Homework, too. I should probably do my history questions, even though they arenapos;t due until Tuesday next week, because I�have time this weekend and I hate feeling irresponsible even though they usually only take me like an hour and a half.
So, yeah, anyway. Someone motivate me, please? Iapos;ll feel terrible if I donapos;t get everything done that Iapos;m supposed to.
doug connors, doug combs, doug colman, doug collins tnt, doug collins statistics.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

comp history usa

Hab ja jetze nen paar Tage net mehr geschrieben und mittlerweile sind wir schon in Brisbane, der Hauptstadt von Queensland und Morgen gehts weiter nach Rainbow beach, da wir dort ne Fraser Island Tour gebucht habenMan wie ick mich darauf freue=)

Also in Brisbane sind wir innem ganz netten Hostel und haben und die letzten zwei Tage die Stadt angeguckt. Es is wirklich unglaublich wie viel hier gebaut wird, dagegen is Berlin ne Kleinbaustelle...und dat will schon wat heissen. Hier gibbet wirklich an jeder Ecke ne Baustelle, wo irgend nen haesslicher Wolkenkratzer in die Hoehe gezogen wird. Es ist nichmal so, dass die Stadt nigelnagelneu aussehen wuerde, sondern irgendwie sind das allet sone 90er Jahre Plattenbauten. Irgendwie komisch und net wirklich aesthetisch Die Stadt liegt mitten am Brisbane River und koennte eigentlich viel schoener sein.

Heute waren wir dann am Mount Coot-tha und haben uns die Stadt mal von oben angeguckt...von dort dieht sie auch gleich ma viel netter aus=)Danach gings in den botanischen Garten, also einen der vielen Dutzend die es in diesem Land gibt. Muss son Aussieding sein, denn die haben schon nen leichten Fetisch mit ihren botanischen Gaerten. Anscheinend sollte jede Stadt davon mindest zwei haben.

Danach waren wir innem irre tollen Buchladen, wo ich mich dumm und daemlich haette kaufen koennenAber leider hat man ja als Backpacker weder den Platz in seinem spaerlichen Gepaeck, noch das Geld fuer viele Buecher, zumal die in Australien auch noch nen heidengeld kosten Hier bezahlt man fuer nen normales kleines Taschenbuch schon mal 15-20 Euro umgerechnet. Es is nen bissl so als wollte die Regierung ihre Leute klein und dumm halten, denn fuer den Durchschnittsaussie ist sowas kaum bezahlbar, denn sobald die Buecher groesser werden sind 30-40 Euro schon normal. Das is der totale Wucher

Morgen gehts jedenfalls weiter nach Rainbow beach, wo wir uns ne Fraser Island Tour gebucht haben, dass bedeutet 3 lange Tage nur puren Inselspass. Mit Strand, Lagunen, Seen, Regenwaeldern, Wueste, Duenen und vielem mehr...freu mich wie nen Schneekoenig druff=) Wir werden auf der Insel mit nem Jeep, Zelt und Futter fuer drei Tage ausgesetzt und muessen uns unsere Schlafplaetze selber suchen und alles selber erkunden...dat wirdn Spass

Liebe Gruesse aus Ozeanien=)

comp history usa, comp history settlement workmans, comp history nicaragua.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

bes bath beyond

Sorry guys; I killed everything in this journal except for the latest post.

I really hate, hate whining about drawing-emos but Iapos;m just so angry and frustrated that itapos;s at a point where it is entirely unbearable; I am at such a loss as to what to do, really all I want to do is cry about it and then wake up the next day and have it go away, but itapos;s just not happening. Really I would just cease to function if I stopped drawing, but with every picture I make the more upset I get. STALEMATElksjfalkf

Iapos;m honestly rarely, rarely like this and I really, really tried to give it time, the people whoapos;ve been trying to talk me out of it for the past little while will know; but I think I just need to take a break or something, Iapos;m not even sure that this means.

Iapos;m sorry for being like this ughhh I hope I get over myself soon BLARHGHHHHhh


While weapos;re on the topic of drawing, Iapos;m not posting guro or anything rated above R15 (99 shota obvs.), or rather, anything offensive or sensitive to other peopleapos;s morals here anymore because I donapos;t want to associate the lawn handle with that stuff for various reasons. If you actually want to see any of this stuff you can pm me on lj for where itapos;s at these days.

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