понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

bixby in lots vacant

Today I was walking my dogs and the neighbor dog ambushed us,again I am pretty mad right now because not only is this the 4th or 5th time he has gotten out and attacked my dogs (once he chased us into the field by my house to attack), but also because they didnapos;t even come out of the house to get him. The other times the wife has come out and apologized and returned the dog home but this time I talked to the husband and he didnapos;t apologize, he just said that he didnapos;t know the dog was getting out (which is bull****).

I am fed up with this crap. My dogs should be able to walk in the street and not be attacked, and the owners of that dog need to take more responsibility for their dog. If my dog was attacking other dogs I would take steps to make sure it didnapos;t happen, like maybe only letting him out in my presence maybe or fixing the tear in my fence so he couldnapos;t get out.

Next time it happens I am going to report them because I have had enough. I went over to talk to the neighbors today because I am trying to be nice and I have had fence issues before (but I fixed mine and the problem never happened again. The lack of courtesy has made me mad though and the next time I am going to report them for sure, I am done being nice and this is the last time my dogs will be attacked on the street.
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