вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

ali vs liston wallpaper

I am home. I got in about 2:30AM due to a particularly spectacular traffic backup in Baltimore that killed 4 hours of my travel time.

Iapos;d hit patches of traffic since entering Maryland, so when things slowed down again I wasnapos;t too alarmed.

Until we stopped entirely.

And moved maybe one carlength over the next 40 minutes.

Now, Iapos;d been planning to eat and gas up once I was past DC, and then maybe to stop for the night near Raleigh. I had a quarter of a tank, and Iapos;d eaten a bag of almonds at 5PM, so I figured I was in good shape to make it from Baltimore to Potomac Mills.

Not counting on sitting in traffic for 2 1/2 hours while my car slowly overheated, I nearly ran out of gas, and my blood sugar crashed cataclysmically, of course.

The awesome part of the blood sugar thing is that as it drops you get more and more irrational, and so itapos;s harder to recognize that youapos;re freaking out. I found myself screeching and foaming that there had better GODDAMN WELL be a PILE of body parts blocking the ENTIRE ROAD to take this much time to sort out and if someone wasnapos;t dead when I got there there there was GOING TO BE. This speech was liberally garnished with the word "motherfucker", of course.

This little Dr. Gonzo part of my brain stood back, watching this charming display and thinking dispassionately hmmm. I appear to be flipping out.

Presently the cops came and started turning people down the median so they could get out of the jam, which wasnapos;t going anywhere. I took advantage of this to GPS the nearest gas station, which of course was somewhere in beautiful metropolitan Pussywhack Falls. I got out to pump my gas and looked down. Why are my hands so shaky? Shit, my LEGS are wobbling. Oh... Oh, dear, when did I eat last?

J called and I wailed "I HATE MARYLAND" like a whiny little turd. I was trying to find a restaurant that did not sound like the blue-plate special was giardia, and failing spectacularly. Finally I just headed for the airport. The inevitable Fridayapos;s presented itself, I ate and recovered myself.

Of course, now it was the middle of the frigginapos; night. I vowed to continue straight through the night, but crapped out in Spotsylvania and got a room.

(Digression A: I know when it is time for me to stop driving because I get UNBELIEVABLY paranoid. About everything. Deer, curves in the road, other drivers and HOSHIT DID THAT GUY JUST LOOK AT ME? Iapos;LL KICK YOUR ASS IF YOU TRY ANYTHING.

Digression B: the motel had one of those meat-warmer lights in the bathroom. I love those things, theyapos;re a big part of my childhood road trip experience.)

Anyway, I got up the next morning around 9, ate a leisurely breakfast, and then drove straight through home. Which was grueling, but not undoable. I knew this leg would go well because the first song on the iPod was "Sojourner", and a feather blew in the window and landed on my passengerapos;s seat. The omens were auspicious. *nods* So I mowed down some pedestrians in appeasement (just in case) and experienced very few problems the rest of my 15-hour drive.

Todayapos;s plan is to do as little as possible. Yes.
ali vs liston wallpaper, ali vs marciano, ali vs sonny liston, ali vs spinks, ali vs wepner.

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