воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

c training

So far this weekend has been weird. We had a volleyball tourny and didnt play well at all. I had spurts of being good and times where i was flipping retarded. But i thought i did better than� had the past couple games so maybe hopefully finally ill go back to playing well. Theres some drama still on the team and people get attitudes, which irks my brain. I like turning to volleyball to help alleviate the stress in my life, so it gets frustrating when going and playing volleyball adds stress.

this upcoming wk is gonna be hell, but i deserve it. I havent started reading the 200 pages for history and have a test in a wk over it. Then on monday i also have a psych test, but im not too worried about that one as long as i read over my notes and such. But history is gonna suck balls.

also i really have been struggling trying to decide on a major, so i need to really start taking making that decision seriously because i have to register for classes soon. So i need to get my motivation back like ive been saying for a while now. But i feel a little better becuase i cleaned my room when i got back today and have everything organized again so its not all a mess and i just need to sit down and do work son. But for now im gonna finish watching the rays game then put on the flyers and pray to God that everything works out.
c training, c tracks, c tracker pakistan, c tracker, c trackbar control.

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